GEARS: Engineering First Year Support
The HearthBring your core8 questions! Every week upper-year engineering student …
Bring your core8 questions! Every week upper-year engineering student …
Join the Community Wellness Coordinators for their weekly wellness-oriented tabling sessions!
Bring your core8 questions! Every week upper-year engineering student …
Unwind and destress with a guided Bob Ross paint night!
Are you ready for a bike ride and picnic on the Harbourfront?
Join the Community Wellness Coordinators for their weekly wellness-oriented tabling sessions!
Get ready to carve up some fun at our Carve-a-Thon!
Bring your core8 questions! Every week upper-year engineering student …
Pop by on your way to dinner to learn about all the libraries at UofT from upper year Arts and Science students!
Team up with friends to make the BEST paper airplane for a chance to win prizes!
Join us for a night of food and trivia! Nigerian small chops are on the menu!
Bring your core8 questions! Every week upper-year engineering student …
Join us for Chestnut’s famous Dinner With Your Professor: Engineering Edition!
Join us to take a break and go on a safari adventure! Meet new animal friends and connect with your residence council and Community Wellness Coordinators!