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Summer Residence applications are now open! Learn more and apply.

Current residents

Resident Agreements

The Chestnut Residence community strives to be a safe, equitable, accessible, and positive space for all our community members including students, staff and guests. Diversity and respect of thought, belief, orientation and background is encouraged and expected.

Every community member is responsible for their behaviour and for their treatment of others in a manner that is free of discrimination, harassment and ignorance. Any behaviour that conflicts with this commitment to the community will be addressed through the Residence Code of Conduct. Should any needs arise in terms of accessibility, the Residence will provide arrangements as required.








Network Usage


Cannabis Legalization

As you may be aware, beginning on October 17th, 2018 cannabis (marijuana) was legalized in Canada. In an effort to ensure that you are aware of residence and University policies with regard to the consumption and possession of cannabis, and you have the information you need to make healthy choices, we have developed the following list of frequently asked questions (FAQs):

No. Although cannabis has been legalized, Chestnut Residence remains completely non-smoking. Smoking and smoking-related activities (including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cannabis, vaping, e-cigarettes, hookahs, or other smoking devices) are not permitted anywhere inside the residences, including student rooms, common areas, and dining areas.

Outdoors, smoking of any kind is not permitted within 9 metres of any residence entrance including the front entrance and emergency exits.

The legal age to possess or use cannabis in the Province of Ontario is 19. Under the Province of Ontario’s Cannabis Act (2017), individuals of legal age may possess up to 30 grams (1 ounce) of legal cannabis.

Within Chestnut Residence, students who are over the age of 19 may possess up to 30 grams of legal cannabis within their private residence room. Cannabis is not permitted in any common areas within the residences (e.g., common rooms, laundry rooms, study rooms, dining areas).

No. Cannabis plants are not permitted to be grown in residence.

No. Cooking with cannabis is not permitted in residence. Please note that cooking or baking of any kind is not permitted in student residence rooms.

No. Similar to alcohol, the Front Desk staff will not accept deliveries of cannabis on behalf of residents.

Medical cannabis is subject to different regulations than recreational cannabis. Students who require the use of medical cannabis should register with Accessibility Services and an Accessibility Advisor will work with you to develop an accommodation plan. For more information please visit the Accessibility Services website. If you require assistance connecting with Accessibility Services, please contact the Residence Office at or 416.585.3160 and we would be happy to assist you.

If you have any questions about residence policies related to cannabis, please speak with your Residence Don or contact the Residence Life Office at or 416.585.3160 and we would be happy to assist you.

Fire Safety