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Stay at Chestnut this summer! Summer residence applications now open.

Chestnut Residence

Current Residents

Are you ready for the best year ever?!

We’re on Instagram, don’t forget to follow us and say hi! We’d love to see your photos of life at Chestnut, remember to tag us @chestnutresidence

One of the best ways to stay up to date with important news is to read our fortnightly newsletter, the Chestnut Chatter. Not receiving the newsletter in your inbox?

There are key dates to keep on your radar, such as winter break, summer residence applications and move-out dates. We’ll share more information on our website and e-mails throughout the year.

From workshops to movie screenings and visits from therapy animals, we’ve got loads to keep you entertained.

Let’s Chat

Got a question? Need some assistance? Just want to chat?

Don’t forget, your Residence Life team are always on hand to help.



Life at Chestnut includes a jam packed calendar of fun things to do, including events organized by both your floor Don and Chestnut’s Residence Life team.

It’s a great way to make new friends, expand your knowledge, learn new skills and, most importantly, have fun!

Make sure you check your emails and follow the official Chestnut Residence Instagram account to stay up to date with event announcements!

Upcoming Events

Useful links

Gym icon

Book a space

Bookable spaces for you to study, be creative and relax, including our music rooms and fitness studio.

Friendship icon

residence council

Chestnut’s student governing body that plans social, athletic and community events

Community icon

residence Affairs committee

Formed of students, staff and Dons, the committee reviews issues and comments raised by the Chestnut community.

Dining at Chestnut icon

dining hall

Information on the Chestnut Dining Hall, including opening hours and service updates.

Building services

Useful information on services such as mail pick up, guest registration, Don on Duty and more.

resident agreements

Important information including occupancy agreements, community standards and network agreements.

light icon

maintenance requests

Need some support from our handy maintenance team? Get in touch using the button below.

contact us

Got a question? Find out how to contact your Res Life or Front Desk teams.