November 16, 2023 | News
Winter Break: How to have a smooth checkout (and check-in)
December is fast approaching, and before you know it your calendar will be fully booked with holiday events (yay!) and exams (boo!). Don’t forget that you need to make plans ahead of time for Winter Break. Here are our top tips for how to make the process as smooth as possible.
Don’t leave it too late
It’s a busy time of year. Don’t leave organising your plans until the last minute. Residents must move out promptly following their last December exam. Make sure you are prepared ahead of time.
Keep it clean
Nobody wants to return to a messy space. Remember to tidy your room and remove all garbage and recycling prior to your departure – especially any food or perishable items. Residents can pick up garbage bags at the front desk. Future-you will be thankful for a clean and tidy room to return back to!
Be ready for check-In
Plan ahead! Residents must book a move-in time slot for their return to residence in January. Login to StarPortal to book your time slot under ‘Manage my Housing’.
Get an extra pair of hands
Did you know you can have up to two people to help you with move-in when you return to residence? If you’ve got a lot of stuff, this might come in handy. But remember – residents are not permitted to have guests, including overnight guests, during the move-in period, so helpers are expected to depart as soon as you have completed your move in.
Confirm your stay!
If you’re not planning on checking-out during Winter Break, don’t forget to let us know in advance. You must submit an application to stay in residence by 1st December. Late submissions will be subject to a fee and may not be approved.
Make sure to visit the full Winter Break page to find all the information you need. If you have any further questions, send us an email and we’ll be happy to help.